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Thoughts & Inspiration

Will you come along side me?

The more I dive onto God and who he has called me to be, the more I find my desire to do missions. My heart is for cultures, and people in all of them. This may not just be abroad, if given the chance to teach future missionaries I would. This is me coming to you with a desire that I am standing firm on. Fundraising is a difficult thing, and to put it out there like this isn’t easy either. I am coming asking you to pray for me, but I am going to give specifics, and prayerfully ask you come along side me in this.

I am in CGA currently and learning to be a leader and who I really am in Christ and I am sitting at $3095 with a possible $2250 headed my way which will put me at $5345! In order to go to Morocco on my capstone trip I have to be at $6000 by this Friday. My full support needed for this program is $8650.

This is what I have been asking for recently, but this next part is the part that is difficult for me to ask and talk about…..

I want to do missions full time as a way of life. I am coming to you as a man broken of pride and seeing just how much I have burnt bridges from my past. I allowed my past to effect my future, and I let my hurt turn people away. I want to say I am so deeply sorry if I ever made it seem impossible for me to be around. If I ever let our relationships be one sided its because I couldn’t allow people to get close. My heart is broken realizing just how many amazing people have been in my life, and how I was never able to step up to the table. I don’t deserve anything that I am asking for, but it takes me coming to the father and knowing that I cannot do this with out you….

So what am I talking about of where I am headed…

In about a month or so I will be applying to be on a team opening up a base in Thailand that will be a center for teams on the World race to stay. This will be a hostel that will be a ministry center for church planting, trafficking ministry, and ministering to backpackers and locals. I feel really excited about this, and I am coming to you before I even apply because I am praying into in and wanting to bring you into my journey before it even starts.

July is when I would leave and it will be a year long commitment. I will need to raise $12000 by July…and that is why this is a crazy blog to put out there. I am asking for monthly supporters and people to come alongside me in this journey and help move the kingdom forward. I am putting this out there now because I wont need the money unless I get accepted. 

If you don’t feel led to give that’s ok, if you could just pray for discernment and pass along my need. I cherish everyone of you with every part of who I am, and I pray God is moving in your lives and you are seeing him like you never have!