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Growing Pains

      This season of life has knocked me on the ground and given me a metaphorical black eye and broken ribs. Changing who you are is no small task…but turns out I’ve been doing it incorrectly. God has…

Walking and Listening

We live our lives constantly trying to figure out who we are. We try and supplement our identity with who God has called us to be. We get so wrapped up in us that we change and our lives follow…

Living Underestimated

Life is a funny thing….. How many times have you gone into a situation and people overlooked you because of what they see instead of who you are. How many times have they seen your hurt and assumed you are…

Am I really enough??

The more I dive into who I am the more I question if I really am enough. In class things are getting difficult because I am really trying to literally change the way I think and see the world, and…